Why Puerto Rico is Vacation Destination

Puerto Rico
The Great Archipelago of Puerto Rico is your best choice for living or traveling to on the East coast of the USA. The other tropical option that is a full fledge US territory is too far and costly that it is not a choice for Easteners. Puerto Rico then is your first and only choice to get a taste of the real hispanic taste on the American nation. Yes, probably you know hispanics named as latins on your neighboorhood, but because the style of life of that people on the continent behave and are ruled by your own customs, they have lost some important things that only can be deeply tasted in other place than in the heart of the nation.
{tab Culture|Red}
A different culture
Puerto Rico archipelago, beign indian first and then hispanic up to today, has been influenced by the american style of life as a territory gotten as war prize from Spain in 1898. But even more than 100 years of US influence, laws and style of living, have not slowdown puertoricans or ‚Äòboricuas‚Äô –as also beign known– their deeply rooted tropical hispanic culture. As the main language is Spanish (for all), barely less than 5 percent talk English fluently. Puerto Rico knows the English language as everyone have  to learn it since kindergarden up to college, but no one practice it daily (with the tourism industry exception).

So no broken steps when travelling here as you will find: a) similar style of living, b) mostly known language and c) local and federal laws that are common to your daily democratic life. Always the culture and the political status of the archipelago shows differences, but just use your common sense for most of the things you will do when travelling/living here.

{tab Lifestyle|Blue}An easy going Island
Our culture is more easy going, more social, less privacy concerned and most of the time happy and celebrating. Living on a small island, you must look for ways to enjoy it and people try to be more intimately. Just tell people your limits beforehand or as soon as you see uncomfortable behavior and you will enjoy the richness of the islands.

{tab Uniqueness|Green}We are an archipelago
Although Puerto Rico is always talked by travel sites as one island, it is really and archipelago of islands, where one is the Big Island, and two others the Sister Islands of Vieques and Culebra. There is also the rural (rustic) island of Mona (the galapagos of Puerto Rico) but it is a protected by the local department of the interior and to enjoy it, you have to be in good shape and a permit is needed to get there.{/tabs}
So just make your mind to what date you will enjoy the real greatness of the hispanic culture and the tropical luxury on american territory and say ¬°A Gozar!




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